Sunday, October 15, 2006

Experience of being in the Midst of the Fiery Furnace

Wednesday 11/10/06

Since Monday, a number of Pastor Li’s dearest partners in spiritual warfare would come to our home and pray with him encouraging him to look to the Lord for His miraculous healing. Then last night, he had this experience:

“Last night in my dream, I had this experience from the Lord: I felt fire burning inside my body. I was sweating profusely. At the same time, in my vision, I saw the three Hebrew children, the friends of Daniel, walking in the midst of the fire, but the fire was not able to harm them. I woke up from my dream; I examined myself and realized that I was not running a fever. So I asked the Lord what was the meaning of the dream. He told me, “See! They were cast into the fiery furnace because they refused to compromise and bow down to the image set up by the King. They stood their ground for me.” Even so the Lord is pleased that we stand firm on what we believe and not be deceived or moved by Satan. Also, another message from the vision was that the Lord would have me go through the refiner’s fire, removing all the dross that my life might be refined.

Mrs. Li


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