Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Last Seven Words of Jesus revisited

Tuesday 7th November 2006

Yesterday, I enjoyed reading Jack Hayford's “God did not promise blue skies”. The book is based on the last seven words of Jesus and is also the theme of the book: How to face life's difficulties with courage. I felt greatly encouraged after reading the book. Every one of these last words of Jesus was full of hope, bringing a glimmer of light into the lives of those in tribulations. I will share four of these words with you.

1. Forgive all who has hurt you. "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." (Luke23:34)
After I realized that I was in late stage liver cancer, I prayed to God, crying out to Him to help me forgive those who had hurt me in the past. Apart from that, I was able to ask, face to face, those whom I had hurt in the past for forgiveness. After I did that, I experienced great relief in my heart. I did not even realize that I had hurt anyone but when the Holy Spirit brought revelation, I immediately obeyed the prompting of the Holy Spirit and did what the Lord would have me to do.

2. Help those who are in the same boat. "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise." (Luke 23:43)

3. Love and care for your family. "Dear woman, here is your son,… Here is your mother." (John19:26-27)
Often, the focus of greetings, comfort and concern would be on the sick. Actually the relatives of the diseased are under a lot of pressure too. Apart from worrying, they had to put up extra time and energy to take care of the daily needs of the sick, my children also had been busy responding to all the affectionate greetings of others etc. Because of this, I now learn how to be more concerned about the feelings of my family members. I was talking to my daughter one time and I discovered that she needed me to give her time to listen to her feelings. Only then did I realize that I was not a very good listener at home. Most of the time I was quick to speak and slow to listen – maybe that's a common problem among pastors! After meditating about it, I can choose to step back from my sickness to care for my family and together face this journey with a joyful heart.

4. Cry out to God. “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46)

5. Honestly admit my need. “I am thirsty.” (John 19:28)

6. Final destination in sight. “It is finished.” (John 19:30)
The sick need to set some goals and do what he feels is meaningful. In Taiwan there is a cancer patient who was given three months by doctors. However, she firmly believed in God, and in spite of her own pain, ministered to other patients. She is still alive after twenty-one years. The cancers never left her but she miraculously persevered as a volunteer in the hospital. As a result the Lord was greatly glorified in her life. I also purpose to serve God and care for those in need.

7. Give God your tribulation. "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." When he had said this, he breathed his last. (Luke 23:46)
The way to overcome your trials and tribulations is to put yourself into the hand of God. This is the most secure way. It is also the key to victory.

Pastor Li Kin Wah


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